dinsdag 6 november 2007

The piracy debate

The Piracy Debate

The debate over piracy is one that has no end. One one side you have Capgemeni's recent "value gap" study pegged piracy's impact on the U.K. music industry at 18% of its decline from its 2004 level. The majority of the decline, Capgemini estimated, was due to the unbundling of the album, or the substitution of a small number of digital tracks for an album.

But wait. A new Canadian study by academians Birgitte Andersen and Marion Frenz found that online piracy has no impact on CD purchases. (Download a PDF of the report here.) However, in the subset of Canadians who do use P2P services, file-sharing was found to increase CD purchasing (by 0.44 CDs per album download). The study assumes 29% of Canadians are P2P downloaders.

"In the aggregate, we are unable to discover any direct relationship between P2P filesharing and CD purchases in Canada. The analysis of the entire Canadian population does not uncover either a positive or negative relationship between the number of files downloaded from P2P networks and CDs purchased. That is, we find no direct evidence to suggest that the net effect of P2P file-sharing on CD purchasing is either positive or negative for Canada as a whole. ...
However, our analysis of the Canadian P2P file-sharing subpopulation suggests that there is a strong positive relationship between P2P file-sharing and CD purchasing. That is, among Canadians actually engaged in it, P2P file-sharing increases CD purchasing. We estimate that the effect of one additional P2P download per month is to increase music purchasing by 0.44 CDs per year."

Professor Stanley Liebowitz, who has studied the relationship between file-sharing and CD sales, commented on the Canadian study at his website (he refers to the authors as A/F):

"With these seemingly innocuous assumptions, the results of A/F imply that obtaining music illicitly should have increased record sales by 50% (since each illicit album increases sales by half a unit and there are as many illicit albums as legitimate sales). Contrary to the large increase in album sales predicted by A/F, album sales in Canada have fallen considerably since 1999. According to IFPI statistics unit sales were down 30% by 2005 whereas CRIA statistics indicate that unit sales were down by 20%. ...
To believe the results of A/F you must accept that sales have dropped by half in 6 years, due to some factor that no one can identify. Does this seem even remotely plausible? This would be such a steep decline in such a short period of time that it would seem impossible to not have a clearly identified cause. And A/F’s results rule out the possibility of other entertainment activities siphoning off record listeners."

So is online piracy a problem or isn't it? Judging from FCC Commissioner Deborah Tate's speech last week at Vanderbilt University, Washington D.C.'s perception is still that online piracy is a major problem. Commissioner Tate talked almost entirely about piracy -- online and physical -- and laid out numerous examples of piracy's negative impact on the entertainment industry and the economy as a whole. (Of course, Commissioner Tate knows what topic to focus on when in Music City.) Even though most of the figures could be questionable (e.g., sourced from trade groups like the RIAA and the IFPI), it was obvious that Commissioner Tate is dedicated to helping content owners fight online piracy.

Bonus reading: An April 2004 article at the New York Times about the well known Harvard/UNC study that found no link between file-sharing and CD sales.

Posted by glenn on November 5, 2007

Source: http://www.coolfer.com/blog/archives/2007/11/the_piracy_dile.php

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